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Changing Attitudes

Written by Doreen Mukwena. Posted in Family Life Inspiration

fli logoHey talking about changing attitude. How do you change attitude when an offender consistently does the same thing that angers you even after you have told them. When this happens, its a great opportunity for growth on your part. Wear new lenses. Consider this. Does this person intentionally want to mess up, or is it because they are failing. If they are failing, instead of judge and be angry or be offended, why not think about other ways of responding that will help the offender and also help you make progress in being more positive and constructive. And what if the person is really wicked and spiteful? Do you get angry and also become spiteful? Remember negative emotions are not constructive on your part. Forgive all wrongdoing against you, and choose to ask God to help you to focus on the person God wants you to be. Instead of being drawn into negativity, focus on whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.' This is what the Bible says in Philippians 4:8. Some practical hints on changing your attitude:

  • accept that all people, including you are not perfect and so will not always do what is expected. 
  • accept that other people are different from you and will not always think the same things that you think, or act the same ways you expect to act.
  • accept that you have different personalities, upbringing and different world views and so you may not always agree on what to do.
  • proactively think about the good things that the same person does, even if you have to stretch matters. Make a list of at least 3 to 5 things. Choose to think that about the person, and begin to make those positive comments about them. What you say becomes real. Do this sincerely, without spite and negativity and you will see what a change it makes.