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  • Apostle Andrew Wutawunashe Founder of the Worldwide Family of God Church


Written by Peter Mukwena. Posted in FOG Procedures


By Pastor Robert Majonga



1. “The term protocol comes from the Greek words meaning ‘the first glue.’ Nowadays,

Protocol can be understood as the glue which holds official life in the society together.

Whether on the local, state, national or international level, proper protocol is vital in

assuring that relations between the officials of organizations and governments are

conducted with minimum friction and maximum efficiency.”

2. “The system of rules and acceptable behaviour used at official ceremonies and

Occasions.” (

3. “Protocol is commonly described as a set of international courtesy rules. These well established

and time-respected rules have made it easier for nations and people to live

and work together. . . . Protocol rules are based on the principles of civility.” 



“Part of protocol has always been the acknowledgment of the hierarchical standing of all



The Bible also recognizes rank or standing amongst persons (Romans 13:7; 1 Peter 2:17).

The Family of God Churches is a highly structured church with clearly outlined

principles of practice. The expression of those principles is contained in the Vision of the Church which summarised in what The Apostle gave as the Five Pillars of the Vision.

In fact, the vision and the 11 anointings from Isaiah 60 is the expression of

the World Wide Family of God Church understands of Christian life and church governance

and discipline based on biblical principles” 

Constituent Levels of the Church

Among the Family of God Churches there are four constituent levels leading from the

individual believer in the local church to the worldwide organization, the General

Conference, which is the highest decision making body in the structure of the church:


1. The Local Church -- a united organized body of individual believers.

2. The Local Conference/Mission or Field -- a united organized body of churches in a

state, province, or territory.

3. The Union Conference or Union Mission -- a united body of conferences, missions, or

fields within a larger territory.

4. The General Conference -- the largest unit of organization-- embraces all unions in all

parts of the world.

ï Divisions are sections of the General Conference, with administrative

responsibility assigned to them in designated geographical areas.


Rank Expressed in Titles

The titles attributed to certain officers indicate rank and the way such officers should

be recognized and addressed. At the constituent levels of the Conference/Mission, Union, and

General Conference the ranking officers are:

a) PRESIDENT/ International Overseer/Apostle or Prophet

b) BISHOPS - - second ranking officer at each level.

c) PASTORS - third ranking officer at each level.

d) (Other positions may include Ministers, Secretary, and Administrators

Accountant, etc).

ï At the College/University level the ranking officer also carries the title of


Local Church. At the constituent level of the local congregation, title also expresses


1) Pastor/Minister -- the ranking officer in the local church

2) Elders/Deacons/Leaders

Authority of the Rank of President/Apostle/Prophet. “The conference/mission/field president in

counsel with the conference/ mission/vision directs the workers of the

conference/mission/field in their varied activities” 


The President/Apostle/Prophet is the chief pastor/ overseer of all churches in the World where we have congregations. “He

has access to all the churches, church services, business meetings, and church boards, without

vote unless granted by the church, and may, by virtue of his office, preside over the sessions

of any of the churches when such a course is necessary. He has access to all church records,

report books, et cetera” 

Authority of the Ranking Officers in a Conference/Mission/Field. “The officers --

president, secretary, treasurer-- of the conference/mission/field to which the church belongs

may attend without vote (unless granted by the church) any church business meeting within

the conference/mission/field territory” 

Deference Shown to Ministers and Unordained Workers

When an ordained minister of the church/mission/field, or one sent by the

International Overseer/Bishop, visits a church, it is expected that the local elder will show him

proper deference by inviting him to occupy the pulpit. This also applies to unordained

Workers sent by the Apostle/Prophet/Bishop/mission/ field” 

Correspondence from Apostle/Bishop’s Office must beTreated with Importance

The Pastor/ elder should regard all correspondence from the Apostle/Bishops office

as important. Letters calling for announcements to the church should be presented at the

proper time”. It follows that correspondence from the President/Apostle-- the

ranking officer in the territory-- should be presented in its entirety to the congregation.



“Protocol promotes orderly procedure following the rules of etiquette. Personal friendships,

likes, and dislikes must not be considered. The office is being honoured not the person”

In seating persons on a platform, place the first ranking officer or platform member at

the right of the principal speaker; the second ranking platform member at the left of the

principal speaker; the third ranking platform member at the second right; the fourth ranking

platform member at the second left; the fifth ranking platform member at the third right, etc.

This order should be observed at all times for seating, introductions, etc. However, common

sense sometimes dictates slight deviations 



For a speaker on stage, either standing or sitting, the National flag is placed to the speaker's

right (also known as stage right or house left); while other flags are placed to the speaker's






Speakers should be given advance written information:

1. Time, date, place of meeting.

2. Time allowance for presentation.

3. When fees are involved, complete understanding should be reached at time of making


4. Dress (formal or informal).

Note: It is never courteous to keep a speaker waiting.

Introduction of the Speaker

a) A person known to the audience is presented; a stranger is introduced.

b) The purpose of an introduction is to acquaint the audience with the speaker’s

background, qualifications, and subject.

c) The introduction should be brief. Do not give the speech yourself.

d) Be factual, not too flowery. Put both the speaker and the audience at ease.

e) Mention the speaker’s name at the end of the introduction.


From time to time the church (at different the levels) invite national and community officials

to functions/occasions. How do we address them?

“The spirit of formality among diplomatic representatives usually means not

addressing others by their first names. One should rely on courtesy titles until invited to do


Addressing Persons

Note when “Your” and “His/her” may be used in addressing certain officials.

The Governor General or President of the country:

ï When addressing directly: “Your Excellency . . .”

ï When speaking about: “His/her Excellency, (Sir) . . .”

The Prime Minister

O Addressing directly: “Mr. /Madam Prime Minister”

O When speaking about: “The Right Honourable Name”; Or the Honourable

Name; or Dr., the Hon. Name . . .”

Member of Parliament

Addressing directly: “Honourable Name . . .

When speaking about: “The Hon. . . .



Mr. /Madam Ambassador; or Ambassador Name. Wutawunashe

Ambassador who is a Barron: “Lord (Surname)Montgomery”

High Court Judge

Directly: “Your Honour”

When speaking about: “His/her Honour”

The Spouse

ï Of the Governor General, President, or one Knighted: “Lady Surname”

ï Of an ambassador or Parliamentarian: “Mr. /Mrs. /Ms. Surname.

(National Anthem

The national Anthem is played on the arrival of or at the presence of the head of state,

not for the head of government or other politicians.

On the Arrival of the Head of State

On the arrival of the head of state the programme begins. The Governor General or

President of the country is not to be kept waiting for the programme to begin.

Meeting National, Community, and Church Officials on Arrival

The highest ranking church official present should meet and welcome national,

community, and church officials/leaders on their arrival at a church programme/event.

Start Programmes/Services on Time

Officials should not be kept waiting. When an invitation is accepted by them, secure

emergency number for him/her just in case there is a delay in his/her arrival.

Start Programmes/Services on Time

Officials should not be kept waiting. When an invitation is accepted by them, secure

emergency number for him/her just in case there is a delay in his/her arrival.


a. A person known to the audience is presented; a stranger is introduced.

b. The purpose of an introduction is to acquaint the audience with the speaker’s

background, qualifications, and subject.

c. The introduction should be brief, not more than one minute. Do not give the speech


d. Be factual, not too flowery. Put both the speaker and the audience at ease.

e. Mention the speaker’s name at the end of the introduction.



 Protocol and Hospitality Department ensures the well-being and comforts of guest ministers at The Family of God Churches through the provision of food and refreshments. The protocol department handles the transportation of guest ministers as well as coordinates logistics for special events. The department is responsible for maintaining order during the service. Members of the Protocol Department are also committed to assist the Pastors and First Ladies with their various ministerial needs. Protocol Department

The Protocol Department is concerned with ensuring the welfare and hospitality of guest ministers during their visits to FOG Churches. They are solely responsible for picking up and returning guest ministers to their desired destination. They also work closely with the hospitality department to ensure all needs of our invited VIPs are met promptly.

The protocol department within the Family of God Churches serves as armour-bearers for the International Overseer/Founder/Bishops and the Pastoral team. In addition, they are also responsible for planning and implementing of all guest ministers to the church in Liaison with the Presiding Bishop of the territory.

 The responsibility of this department includes:

  • To ensure the safety of lives 
  • To ensure the safety of properties i.e. cars, valuable items, etc
  • To ensure orderliness in the church environment
  • To ensure that cars are packed at the right place to avoid obstruction especially during our services. 


The Protocol Department works will all department/ministries but it works closely or as one with;

  • Ushering
  • Security
  • Hospitality
  • Stage Manager



The final word on protocol has not been said. But protocol, the glue that holds official life in

society together, is of vital importance to church life also. It is vital for assuring that relations

between leaders of the church and the general church body; and the relations between the

church and national/community leaders are conducted with minimum friction and maximum

efficiency. We follow protocol because “God is not the author of confusion, but of peace . . .

in all the churches of the saints. [Therefore] “let all things be done decently and in order” (1

Corinthians 14:33, 40).

Pastor Bob Majonga/fog church United Kingdom and

2010 United Kingdom